Home General Equipment Company: Manufacturers of Light Construction Equipment
Sales Representatives

To find out where you can purchase General light construction products in your area.
Contact your local representative listed below:
New York
Your General Sales Representative is:
Cardinal Sales
137 Bay Ridge Ave
Brooklyn, 11220

Contact Information
Telephone: 718.680.2269
Toll Free: 1.800.222.4344
Telefax: 718.745.4030
Email: pdevitto@cardinalreps.com
URL: http://www.cardinalreps.com

Staff Member:
Dan Bowell
New York City - Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Nassau County.
Telephone: 347.672.4449
Telefax: 718.745.4030
Email: dbowell@cardinalreps.com

Staff Member:
Patrick J. Devitto
Suffolk County New York plus, Staten Island.
Telephone: 347.203.1068
Telefax: 718.745.4030
Email: pjdevitto@cardinalreps.com

Staff Member:
Ed Ingram
Hudson Valley New York, Western Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Telephone: 413.237.4165
Telefax: 413.569.6579
Email: eingram@cardinalreps.com

Staff Member:
Randy Konnick
Upstate New York.
Telephone: 607.343.1052
Telefax: 607.754.6891
Email: rkonnick@cardinalreps.com

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